The McLain's

My photo
Our journey began October 2005 when we met in our Single's class at Prestonwood Baptist Church. We were engaged in June 2006 and were married on November 17, 2006. JP works for ROMCO as a Product Support Sales Manager and I will begin teaching part-time for the Dallas International School in August 2011. We have one little boy, Merit Cross. God has truly blessed our family.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ear Check & Cooking with Mimi!

The ear check went great; ears clear and Merit was pronounced healthy! He had fun watching the fish swim and we talked about the color of the fish and the size. He really likes playing with the toys at the doctor's office. Praise the Lord, he is finally completely well!

Mimi came over for dinner that night. I had already cooked our entree and Mimi volunteered to cut the veggies for our dinner. Merit pulled the kitchen chair up to the counter so he could watch Mimi more closely. So cute!

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