The McLain's

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Our journey began October 2005 when we met in our Single's class at Prestonwood Baptist Church. We were engaged in June 2006 and were married on November 17, 2006. JP works for ROMCO as a Product Support Sales Manager and I will begin teaching part-time for the Dallas International School in August 2011. We have one little boy, Merit Cross. God has truly blessed our family.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sleep, Sleep, and Lack of Sleep

The first week or so of Merit sleeping in his new big boy bed went well. So, things aren't going so well now. We stacked the wonderfully fluffy pillows that Nana made for him beside the bed, in case he fell out. He has fallen out many times and landed on the pillows. However, instead of getting back in the bed he has just stayed on the pillows many nights. The past few nights he has actually started out sleeping on the pillows and told us that he didn't want to sleep in his bed. I think he is just thinking to himself, I'm going to fall out anyway and land on the pillows so I might as well start out sleeping here. Poor Merit. :( I snuck in his room to capture this sweet boy. Pretty funny, huh? What a mess! I really can't stand things messy but at the same time I want him to be comfortable. You can see the sheet that I tied around the bedposts of his bed to keep him from falling out. The sheet definitely keeps him in but he has chosen to crawl under or over it to get to the pillows. I then lined the sides of the pillows with more big pillows hoping to keep him on the pillows all night. Oh my...what's a mom to do?!

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