The McLain's

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Our journey began October 2005 when we met in our Single's class at Prestonwood Baptist Church. We were engaged in June 2006 and were married on November 17, 2006. JP works for ROMCO as a Product Support Sales Manager and I will begin teaching part-time for the Dallas International School in August 2011. We have one little boy, Merit Cross. God has truly blessed our family.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday - Drive to Houston

Merit was so excited to get in the car and head to Houston! All day Thursday he continued to say, "I want to see Alicia". I kept telling him, "tomorrow Merit, tomorrow". So, Friday morning I taught my morning class and then we hit the road around 11. Merit wanted to load his car case by himself. I had to capture this moment. How cute! :) We played all sorts of silly games in the car, like "Where's Merit?" He hides under the blanket and then giggles. We also read books, watched some movies on the iPad and played some ABC games on the iPad too. Finally, Merit took a good nap. I told him he needed to take a nap in the car so when we arrived at Alicia's he would feel good. So, he did. Such a good boy. :)
We arrived in Houston around 4:30 and had a little bit of time to visit with Alicia and Marc and love on sweet Luke before we had to leave for the wedding. Luke is precious!!!

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